Stories from the Orinoco country


August 16, 2016

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How to Cite

Eslava Mocha , P. R. (2016). Stories from the Orinoco country. Editorial Universidad de los Llanos. Retrieved from


Pedro René Eslava Mocha
Universidad de los Llanos


The Orinoco country: a territory as imaginary as it is real. This region of contrasts and exotic landscapes is the scenario where stories of an enigmatic land that preserves narratives and traditions rooted in the memory of those who sail its waters are recreated. Relatos del país del Orinoco gathers the memories of a man who grew up in the immensity of the jungle that overflows the banks of the Orinoco; it portrays iconic characters and emotional experiences that will mark in the reader's imagination new nuances of an unknown "country" that transcends borders beyond any map.


  • Preliminares
  • 1. Bocados de mapriro
  • 2. Calenturas de oro
  • 3. Los cuentos de Calderón
  • 4. El anfibio
  • 5. Historias compartidas: el niño, la canoa y el manatí
  • 6. La otra cara de Míster Hermann
  • 7. Memorias de fuego
  • 8. El musiú que pintó el Orinoco

Author Biography

Pedro René Eslava Mocha , Universidad de los Llanos

Born in Cazuarito (Vichada) - 1961. Professor at the Universidad de los Llanos since 1990. MV, MSc, graduated from the National University of Colombia, author of scientific papers on veterinary pathology: fish health, histology of fish and mammals and toxicological pathology. He participated in the initiative of founding the Aquaculture Institute of the Universidad de los Llanos and has led the Research Group on Health of Aquatic Organisms. He also participated in the creation and development of Revista Orinoquia. His main scientific work considers the effects of Glyphosate on native fish; he is also an expert in the diagnosis of fish and mammal diseases. In the literary field he has published poetic works: Poemas desde la Orilla del Río (1995), Cuarenta y cuatro Oficios del País del Orinoco (2005), Sin Epitafios (2008).